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If you suffer from low back pain after sitting for extended periods of time, you might have a tight Quadratus Lumborum (QL).  This muscle, deep within your back, can get chronically contracted and cause you discomfort and pain. One of the most effective ways to release this tension is by lateral bending (side bends!). Join Viniyoga Therapist, Justine Shelton, E-RYT500, as she shares two effective movements to help you feel better.  Done at your desk, sitting on a chair, in an airplane, car… or anywhere!

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Try this Hip Slide movement in a Chair or any the Floor! Feeling scrunched up, tight around the ribs, waist and hips? This is what happens when we sit too long or stand crooked, gravity scrunches us! Try this great hip and side body movement created by Soma-Kinetic Expert, Erhard Rohrmuller, and can be modified using a chair so everyone can benefit.


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