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Straight as a Pencil!
When I first really started embracing the study of Anatomy, I found it so incredibly logical and magical!  Take for instance our joints.  Our joints hate compression (think knee pain when walking up the steps)… but our joints love extension (think straightening the spine and arms to reach the top of the door jam).
A close relative of mine has had knee pain for many years that caused her to avoid straightening her leg because the compression hurt her with every step! This created a limp in her walk and now her hip and low back are in pain too! She recently started going to Physical Therapy and they are working toward getting her leg to be as “straight as a pencil”. She started with her knee locked in a bent position about 8 inches above the table.  After a month, she is at 2 inches! Sure, she is a little sore from all that muscles stretching, but she is feeling relief.
Making more space in a joint gives it more freedom to move. But when a joint is locked up in a precarious position and bound by tight muscles, movement is limited and pain sets in. That’s the logical side of Anatomy – muscles support bones and the body is always working to protect and adapt itself when needed. The magical side of Anatomy is that tight muscles, limited range of motion and pain can eventually disappear with your awareness and your involvement! Whether it is doing Yoga to keep your joints strong and your muscles supple, or going to a Physical Therapist to get you unbound… just keep your joints moving!
Take the time every day to fully extend your joints. Straighten your arms out to the side, spread your fingers like a starfish, and lift your leg and make it straight like a pencil!
Keep moving!
Legs that are as Straight as a Pencil!  
Chair Yoga Sequence with Sherry Zak Morris

 If you find it hard to completely straighten your leg, then this 5-Minute Chair Yoga sequence is just for you! Grab a belt and join in!
Legs that are as Straight as a Pencil! Chair Yoga sequence with Sherry Zak Morris
Legs that are as Straight as a Pencil! Chair Yoga sequence with Sherry Zak Morris
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